Squirrel Cage Fans

centrifugal fans

What Is Squirrel Cage Fans

Squirrel cage fans, despite their name, are centrifugal fans used in HVAC systems, industrial processes, and household appliances. These fans feature a cylindrical shape with an internal rotating wheel containing multiple blades.

The design of squirrel cage fans enables efficient movement of large air volumes. The spinning wheel draws air through the center and pushes it outward, generating strong, steady airflow. This makes them suitable for applications requiring consistent air movement or ventilation.

Squirrel cage fans often operate more quietly than other fan types due to their enclosed design. They offer versatility, allowing adjustments to speed and airflow direction for different needs. These fans come in various sizes, ranging from small units in computer cooling systems to large industrial models.

Design of Squirrel Cage Fans

Squirrel cage fans consist of several key components that work together to move air efficiently.

Impeller Design

Impeller design significantly affects squirrel cage fan performance and efficiency. Three main types exist: forward-curved, backward-curved, and straight blades.

Forward-curved blades have shallow, numerous blades curving in the rotation direction. They excel in low-pressure, high-volume applications, commonly found in residential HVAC systems. These impellers operate at lower speeds but move large air volumes efficiently.

Backward-curved blades curve against the rotation direction. They offer higher efficiency than forward-curved blades and handle higher pressures. Industrial applications requiring higher static pressures often employ these impellers. Their self-cleaning nature suits dusty environments.

Scroll Housing or Volute

The scroll housing or volute component encases the impeller and directs airflow from the fan’s center to its outlet. The scroll housing’s shape determines efficient air movement and pressure generation.

Volute design features a gradually expanding cross-sectional area around the impeller. This expansion decelerates air while increasing static pressure, converting kinetic energy to potential energy. The housing’s curvature minimizes turbulence and maintains smooth airflow.

The cutoff point, where the volute ends near the outlet, directs air towards the discharge opening. Adjusting the clearance between the impeller and scroll housing can optimize fan efficiency. Tighter clearance improves performance but increases noise levels.

Drive Mechanism

Drive mechanisms for squirrel cage fans come in two main types: direct-driven and belt-driven.

Direct-driven systems couple the motor shaft directly to the impeller. This design reduces maintenance needs and energy losses. Direct-driven fans suit smaller applications or space-limited settings. They offer higher efficiency and lower noise levels compared to belt-driven alternatives.

Belt-driven systems use a belt to connect the motor and impeller. This configuration allows flexible motor placement and easier speed adjustments through pulley size changes. Belt-driven fans often appear in large industrial applications or where variable speed control is necessary.


Motors function as the core power source for squirrel cage fans, converting electrical energy into mechanical energy to drive the fan’s impeller and move air. AC and DC motors are the primary types used in these fans.

How Squirrel Cage Fans Work

Squirrel cage fans operate on a centrifugal principle. The fan consists of a cylindrical or wheel-shaped structure with curved blades attached to its inner surface. As the motor spins the cage, the blades create centrifugal force, drawing air in through the center and expelling it radially outward.

Air enters through an intake opening at the wheel’s center when the fan activates. Rotating blades catch this air and fling it outward. This action creates a low-pressure area at the center, continuously drawing in more air. The expelled air moves through an outlet, often shaped to control airflow direction and velocity.

Advantages of Squirrel Cage Fans

  1. High efficiency in moving large volumes of air: Squirrel cage fans excel at efficiently moving substantial quantities of air. Their unique impeller design allows for optimal air movement with minimal energy consumption.
  2. Relatively compact size compared to other fan types: Despite their impressive airflow capabilities, squirrel cage fans maintain a compact footprint.
  3. Durability, reliability, and ability to operate in various conditions: Constructed with robust materials and featuring a simple yet effective design, squirrel cage fans are built to withstand the rigors of continuous operation. They can reliably function in a wide range of environments, including high temperatures, dusty conditions, and corrosive atmospheres.
  4. Quiet operation compared to some other industrial fans: The aerodynamic design of squirrel cage fans contributes to their relatively quiet operation. The smooth, streamlined airflow through the impeller and housing minimizes turbulence and noise generation.
  5. Adjustable airflow output for precise control: Many squirrel cage fans offer adjustable airflow output, allowing users to fine-tune the air volume and velocity to suit specific requirements.
  6. Energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness: The efficient design of squirrel cage fans translates into lower energy consumption compared to other fan types with similar airflow capacities.

Application of Cage Fans and Blowers

  • HVAC Systems: Squirrel cage fans are widely used in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems for efficient air circulation, heating, and cooling.
  • Dust and Fume Extraction: Manufacturing facilities generate dust, fumes, and other airborne particles that can pose health risks to workers and damage equipment. Squirrel cage fans are employed in dust and fume extraction systems to capture and remove these contaminants from the air, maintaining a clean and healthy workplace.
  • Electronics Cooling: High-performance electronic devices, such as servers, amplifiers, and other components, generate significant heat during operation. Squirrel cage fans are employed in electronic cooling systems to dissipate heat and prevent overheating.
  • Automotive Applications: Squirrel cage fans find applications in automotive heating and cooling systems. They are used in vehicle HVAC systems to circulate air and maintain a comfortable cabin temperature. Additionally, these fans are employed in engine cooling systems to regulate the temperature of the engine and prevent overheating, ensuring optimal performance and fuel efficiency.
centrifugal fans


How Much Noise Do Squirrel Cage Fans Typically Produce?

Squirrel cage fans typically produce moderate noise levels. Generally, these fans are quieter than other types but not completely silent.

Can Squirrel Cage Fans Be Used in Residential Air Conditioning Systems?

Squirrel cage fans are frequently utilized in residential air conditioning systems. These efficient, quiet fans effectively move large air volumes and are commonly found in central air units and furnaces due to their reliability and performance.

Are Squirrel Cage Fans Energy-Efficient Compared to Other Fan Types?

Squirrel cage fans are generally energy-efficient, offering high airflow with low power consumption.

Is a Centrifugal Fan the Same as a Squirrel Cage Fan?

No, centrifugal fans and squirrel cage fans are not exactly the same. Squirrel cage fans are a specific type of centrifugal fan characterized by curved blades and a compact housing resembling a hamster wheel. All squirrel cage fans are centrifugal, but not all centrifugal fans are squirrel cage designs. Centrifugal fans also include other blade and housing configurations.

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